All those questions you wanted to ask… If we don’t cover it below, we may have already answered your question on another page but, if you want a quick answer give us a call on 01473 295900 or, if we’re online, speak to us on live chat.

We’re adding to this list as the website develops, so if there’s a question you think should be covered, please e-mail webmaster@wolseytheatre.co.uk. If you have a time sensitive request please contact tickets@wolseytheatre.co.uk.





Do I Need To Dress Up?

Yes, you do need to wear clothes (especially in chilly weather) but we’re really not fussed what you wear. If you’re out for a special night then dress up but if a onesie is your thing we won’t judge. Promise.

What Happens If I’m Late?

These things happen. We’ll get you to your seat at the earliest opportunity, sometimes this won’t be until the interval. At the main theatre, we’ll pop the show on a TV screen in the bar so you don’t miss any of the action.

How Do I Get A Mention During Panto?

There’s a secret list that our Ticket Sales Assistants keep under lock and key. If you want access, give them a call on 01473 295900. Make sure you’ve booked your tickets first though!

Do You Hire Out Costumes?

Because of our limited costume storage space we don’t have the opportunity to run a costume hire. We would suggest contacting local companies such as the Co-op Juniors or Angels for your costume requirements.