Boy On The Roof CPD - New Wolsey Theatre

Boy On The Roof CPD

Performed on Wed 7 Feb

A production image from 'Boy on the Roof.' One person sits in the middle, holding a bunch of papers. Surrounding him are adult figures, including teachers, who are all trying to touch the papers and interfere with what he is doing. They are all wearing masks with exaggerated facial features, such is the style for Vamos Theatre who are producing the show.

Vamos Theatre’s Revealing the Mask Workshop

This workshop is ideal for teachers, actors, practitioners and theatre makers. A creative, high energy and inspiring workshop gives participants a thorough grounding in Vamos Theatre’s approach to the basics of full mask theatre. Through exercises and shared exploration, the workshop introduces mask characterisation, mask physicality, and techniques such as clocking, stillness and isolation, helping to build confidence and understanding of mask performance. You will come away with a huge amount of content to take straight back into the classroom and rehearsal room!

“Thank you for your amazing session here- mind blowing!” Alex Summers – Director of Learning, Birmingham Rep

“This was the most useful to developing my practise, and the workshop was delivered in a particularly inclusive, friendly, kind and supportive way.” Workshop Participant – National Theatre Drama Teacher Conference

This workshop is taking place in NW2, the golden roofed building opposite the theatre.

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