Get involved with our latest creative project: StoryLine

20 May 2020 News, Press Release

(Molly-Grace Cutler as Sheena in Oxy and The Morons leaving a punk poem on StoryLine. Photo Mike Kwasniak.)

The New Wolsey Theatre needs you!  We’re putting a call out for people to join in with our latest creative project, StoryLine. StoryLine is a dedicated phone line where you are invited to call 01473 760799 and leave a lockdown message. It could be about how you are feeling during lockdown, a short story, a poem or even a secret you have never told anyone else. It is an opportunity to get creative over the next few months and then share your work with us.

When you give the StoryLine number a call you will hear a pre-recorded message inviting you to tell your story, you will then have approximately 2 minutes to speak. The Creative Learning team will listen to all the stories, message and ideas left on the StoryLine and may use what they discover in a future creative project. For example, an actor might voice up your story or the theatre might commission a poet to write a poem about something you tell the StoryLine.

If leaving a voicemail isn’t your thing and you would rather email your message then that’s OK as you can send the New Wolsey your message by emailing Calls cost your usual landline call rate and any potential future work created won’t reveal your identity.

So go on… give us a call, tell us a story or pop a poem onto the StoryLine.

Ann Penfold as Mrs Wilberforce. The Ladykillers at the New Wolsey Theatre. Photo Mike Kwasniak

(Ann Penfold as Mrs Wilberforce from The Ladykillers leaving a cracking short story on the StoryLine. Photo Mike Kwasniak.)