Tori is an actor, writer and singer-songwriter selected as one of the BBC’S New Talent Hotlist of 2017. She is currently working on her second EP for release early next year and most recently appeared as Billie Fitzgerald in London Calls on BBC1. Theatre includes: H.R.Haitch (The Union); Muted (Interval Productions); herself in The Hardest One (Criterion, The Other Palace); Yarico (London Theatre Workshop); Mimi in Rent (Interval Productions); Hair: Help for Heroes (Piccadilly Theatre); After the Turn (My Protege with Interval Productions); Hair the Musical (European Tour and Arena Tour); Zip: A Street Dance Musical (Giant Olive); Boxed (Made in LDN); and Wretch (VAULT Festival). Television includes: Billie in London Kills (Acorn TV and PGMTV); Sandra in Unforgotten (ITV); Libby in Pure (Drama Republic); and Sarah in Clean Break (Sister Pictures). Tori has appeared as a featured and backing vocalist for numerous artists including Eliza and the Bear and Lance Horne and was featured on Idris Elba’s Mi Mandela album. Her work as a writer for theatre includes The Hardest One (The Other Palace) and musicals Streets (The Cockpit, Hackney Empire and The Vaults) and Another Way (The Cockpit) among many others. She is thrilled to be a part of this production alongside such a brilliant cast and creative team and would like to thank her Mum- Vivien, and better half Matt for the unwavering love and support.