Adam Bassett

14 Dec 2017

Adam is from Kingston-upon-Hull and after studying Media at College for a number of years, he started producing and starring in his own short films which he shared with the world on YouTube. Films such as “Rooky” (2009) also won a grant from Remark! “24/7” (2010) for BSL Zone on Film4. He was invited to be a presenter for BBC See Hear (2011).

Adam’s short films credit on his belt, are “Vanishing” (2010) directed by Giles Bowman (Neath Films), “Retreat” dir. Ted Evans( 2013), “Yorkshire Four Deaf to go Blackpool” dir. Charlie Swinbourne, Mutt & Jeff Pictures (2014). Also “Deaf Funny” dir. Charlie Swinbourne, Juggle Production (2017). His debut theatre stage at Shakespeare’s Globe, as Don Armado in “Love’s Labours Lost”, Deafinitely Theatre (2012), Lysander in “A Midsummer Night’s Dream”, Deafinitely Theatre (2014)

In 2013, He won Visual Vernacular competition in Deaffest, as a result, he performed on his debut VV at Sign Circle in Preston, Mental Health Issues Evening in Rotherham and Deaf Sports Personality of the Year event (2014). Also Doing Things Differently in Bristol (2016).

In Small World (2014-17) he appeared as role of Graham in which, the first ever, sitcom comedy drama was very successful TV in five episodes of Small World last year. He returned in Graham’s appeared in series two of Small World this year.

He also works as a Stand-up comedian with fellow Love’s Labours Lost cast members Brian Duffy, David Sands and Matty Gurney, touring the UK doing an Improv Show which has been running for five years.